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  • Waiting Area Seating

Waiting Area Seating

Waiting Area Seating and Furniture play an important role in salon design as it is usually placed in critical spots, like the entrance or between areas where different services are provided to customers. Gamma & Bross Waiting Area Sofas are manufactured by skilled upholsterers using high quality foams and fabrics. Our Beauty Salon Seating Furniture is designed to offer a comfortable experience for customers waiting to be served and save space at the same time. Our sofas and couches have different shapes and dimensions to fit any room. A wide selection of fabrics and colors is available to complement the style of any shop. A unique and stylish sofa can make a big difference to improve any salon decor.

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Gamma&Bross S.p.A.

P.IVA 01431270204.

Via Mazzini 62E, Castiglione
Stiviere MN

Tel +39 0376632630

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