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Remodelling Tips

Once a positive evaluation is made regarding the opportunity to proceed with the salon remodeling, it is necessary to verify some preliminary matters:

  • Reallocation of space: If the currently used space is insufficient to the new salons' needs, you will have to consider the possibility of acquiring adjacent spaces or moving into a totally new, larger space. Please keep in mind that it is important that the area chosen meets your customer target requirements.
  • Legal aspects: License regulations and respect for relevant building codes and security laws have to be verified before you can proceed with any remodeling.
  • Structural elements: The possibility of moving walls must be considered. Alterations of existing hydraulic connections or the construction of new ones may also be necessary. Lastly, changes in electrical and lighting systems will have to be evaluated.
  • Intervention management: If you plan to continue offering services during remodeling operations, it is important to guarantee an alternative, sufficient level of service to the clients either through partial remodeling, or temporary movement of operations, moving to adjacent premises.

Shop Window

  1. The shop-window plays a fundamental role in the success of the beauty salon because it is the primary element to communicate the shop's image and attract new customers. We therefore suggest heavy investment in this building element. To ensure a proper salon image, make sure to tailor a design aimed at emphasizing your salon name and logo.
  2. The use of large posters and videos displayed on television screens in the shop-window tends to generate interest.
  3. With regard to placing specific beauty products in the window, be sure of the brands you choose. If you consider using this space to display beauty products in a way that allows people to see them from the street, be careful not to damage your salon image with substandard or outmoded products.

Reception Area

  1. It should usually be placed in front of the entrance. It is a very important area because here the clients form their first impression of the salon. Make sure it is welcoming and realized with the proper aesthetic qualities.
  2. We suggest placing the reception desk with the front facing towards the entrance so that the client cannot see the inside of it. Possibly consider keeping the desk away from waiting area in order to protect the clients' privacy.
  3. If you decide to set a PC on the desk, make sure there is space enough. Consider the opportunity to use flat LCD monitors that have a cleaner design and allow for more space on the desk.
  4. It is possible to set display-cases for selling beauty products behind the reception desk.

Waiting Area

  1. The number of seats in the waiting area obviously depends on the number of styling units, even if it is not possible to determine a fixed relation. For example, if you only work with a booking system, this area can be even smaller than you might think. If the wait is supposed to be short, it may sometimes be preferable to foresee one or two extra styling units that would accommodate the customers immediately,. We strongly suggest giving the waiting area an image function, but investing more on the salon function rather than on the waiting issue itself, which is in fact not exactly lucrative.
  2. About ¼ of a salon profits should come from selling products. Make sure to give proper space and visibility to products though display- and show-cases.
  3. Products should be placed so that clients can see and touch them.
  4. Keep in mind that placing videos towards the entrance and the shop-window tends to generate interest and attract almost immediate attention.
  5. We suggest providing an area for a cloak-room, possibly closed and complete with safe deposit boxes to give clients more security and privacy for their valuables.

Washing Area

  1. The washing area represents a strategic area for the salon because it is the first service offered to the client and it is the point where clients are redirected towards different stations. Furthermore, one must consider that the washing implies a very close, physical, one could say intimate relation with clients. For this reason, a client could easily feel uncomfortable if maximum comfort is not guaranteed.
  2. The washing area should be placed in a very accessible position to facilitate clients and stylists movements.
  3. You should control all possible plumbing connections.
  4. The number of washing units should be at least 1/3 of the total styling units, including those in the chemical area.
  5. Besides client comfort, make sure that the stylists can easily work and have all equipment, tools and products within their reach.
  6. Consider with particular attention the construction materials. Metal parts tend to rust even if protected with special paintings or dressing, while plastics and ceramics are unalterable overtime.
  7. Consider that the bowl in any given washing unit may be used 70 times, more frequently than a kitchen wash-basin. Make sure it is made of quality materials.
  8. Preferably store products in closed cabinets or on hidden shelves in order to avoid confusion and provide a sense of better cleanliness.
  9. We suggest not utilizing rubber protection on the bowl for the nape of the neck because it is extremely unhygienic. A well designed and manufactured bowl does not need any plastic addition in order to be comfortable.
  10. An advantage would be to have a separate room with a service cabinet and wash-basin to prepare chemical treatments without being in open view of clients. This avoids undesired smells from entering the salon.

Wellness Area

  1. Inside the beauty salon for the most demanding clientele a reserved wellness washing and relaxing area may be beneficial. This area could be developed with an oriental-style, complete with full lying position washing units, equipped with electronic back vibration massage.
  2. Inside this area it is highly recommended that you offer some sort of relaxing or meditation music, with chromotherapy and aromatherapy.

Chemical/Technical Area

  1. Consider a proper space for the technical and chemical area given that demand for coloration and specific treatments has grown consistently over the past years.
  2. We suggest separating this area from the main service area in the salon so that it is not visible either from the entrance or from the waiting area, affording the guarantee of better privacy.
  3. Make sure to have proper ventilation to eliminate fumes and smells.

Styling Area

  1. Install wall styling units at least 200 cm. high and central styling units significantly lower, preferably with sloping mirrors to give a better sense of space and roominess in the salon.
  2. The styling units should be equipped with sockets, phone and curling holders in accessible position, and shelves where hair care products may be placed within easy reach. c) Preferably use cabinets with doors and back shelves to give a tidier and cleaner look.

Drying Area

  1. Make sure that the hood dryer's seating is placed in a comfortable and relaxing area.
  2. Remember to make available the latest magazines and possibly earphones for listening to music.
  3. For the most refined clients a library with the best authors can be provided.

Salon Lighting

  1. Lighting is very important both for salon image and for optimizing the stylist's working environment. We suggest using a basic diffused indirect light to create a uniform atmosphere within the whole salon.
  2. For the reception and waiting areas it is possible to use more soft and suffused lighting.
  3. For the cutting area we suggest the use of a light which is most akin to natural sunlight by adding specific direct lights to the basic lighting. If necessary, a soft frontal lighting can be use to offset the vertical lights to avoid shadows on clients' face.
  4. For the washing area the use of supplementary vertical lighting directed toward the bowls would be recommended.

For the wellness area, the use of chrometherapy lamps that reflect relaxing and colorful light on a panel located on the ceiling is highly recommended.

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