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Expert fusion of design and production techniques, together with the historical knowledge of the profession with its own specific needs. Quality of construction as well as salon image are the key elements upon which GAMMA & BROSS SPA focuses its entrepreneurial commitment.

Setting its roots in artisan laboratory at the beginning of the 20s, the company officially born 30 years ago, originally supplying the Italian market.

At the beginning of the 90s other European countries were reached, as well as Asia, the Middle East and the United States.

Now the company sells its upscale furniture in more than 50 countries and the distribution network has been developed in more than 30 countries.

The headquarters of the company lie in the wonderful hilly region near lake of Garda. Here the commercial offices, the design department and manufacturing laboratories, as well as the new 10,000 sq. ft show room with the most up-to-date designs, realize furnishings for the domestic and the foreign markets, which represent more than a half of the group's turnover.

We don't have to mention the importance of salon image in the hairdressing field, the professional sector which for years has been based on the refinement and the new nuances of attention to details.

proposes every year different collections with very particular features.

They consist of wide selection of styling units, styling chairs, waiting area sofas, shampoo bowls, reception desks, displays, professional hood dryers, massage tables, pedicure spas, nail tables, as well as a wide range of design accessories including lamps, stools, trolleys, cabinets, poster racks, magazine racks, posters.

Production methods are based on the latest state-of-the-art systems, where the computer is the basic element through which manual operations have been eliminated, especially where precision and repetition is necessary. In other areas, for example carpentry, painting and assembling, the operator in indispensable, a further guarantee of artisan Italian design.

How is it possible to guarantee our customers the results they expect in relation to the salon image idea reflecting their personalities?

Here the latest CAD projections allow GAMMA & BROSS SPA to use virtual three-dimensional projects giving the customer a visual judgement, often in real-time through internet. In this way the customer has the final result of how his or her salon will be.

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Gamma&Bross S.p.A.

P.IVA 01431270204.

Via Mazzini 62E, Castiglione
Stiviere MN

Tel +39 0376632630

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